The Long Hair Ghost Hunter

I am a retired Paramedic, turned Ghost Hunter and Author. I have led or been involved in hundreds of investigations for well over 20 years. I never had an epitome or experienced a defining moment like “grandma” standing by my bedside. As a retired Paramedic, I have seen death many times. I understand the first law of thermodynamics: that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred. I began to think there had to be something more than just putting someone in the ground. After being touched in an empty hospital area, I went from thinking “there must something more” to “why are they here?”

WE can make a difference

Paranormal encounters frequently have subjective characteristics, sometimes reported as “senses” or “feelings,” but the ability to communicate these experiences together affords opportunities to authenticate such happenings.

You might believe in paranormal activities or not, and everyone has a distinct view of their haunted location. But if odd occurrences start to happen in your location that defies conventional explanations, he can certainly investigate and search for answers. While Hollywood has described the paranormal activity as a horrific event, making a property uninhabitable, this is often not the case.

We feel that homeowners/businessowners may benefit from a closer look at the problem. If you think you have a potential haunt in your house, the Long Hair Ghost Hunter is prepared to support. Call him, and he will examine in further detail what precisely constitutes paranormal activity and some frequent symptoms of potential haunting and what he can do about it.

What do our subscribers say?

Long Hair Ghost Hunter treated my concerns with empathy and conducted an honest investigation. Bert Urks

  • I love the services and My home is peaceful now. Very relieved— Olivia Jones
  • My mother often complains about noises in our home. I thought she needed some medical help, but then I met Tim, and he visited my home, he is an expert, and after his procedures, it was discovered that we had some critters in our attic causing the noises. I truly admire Tim. — Kenneth Williams

Contact us at 954-895-7999 or email us at: or fill our online form

Upcoming Tutorial Series


Available on Wednesdays on 

longhairghosthunter IG and Afterlife Allstars IG

This section is a supplement for the upcoming segment of Orbs.


Orbs are the most photographed anomaly and became popular in the early 2000’s. Orbs used to be easily confused with dust, pollen, moisture, reflections off metal, glass, or mirrors or even insects. Today, the chance of capturing false orbs has been reduced by the introduction of IR and Full Spectrum cameras and lighting.

Orbs could appear translucent or transparent. They could appear in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. There are assorted colors of orbs. Each color corresponds to a different meaning.

  • Black: Malevolent, tortured
  • Blue: Tranquil, peaceful, and protective
  • Brown: Earthbound, trapped
  • Gold: Angelic, free flowing, and happy
  • Green: Curative and restorative
  • Lavender: Messenger of God
  • Orange: Comforting and forgiving
  • Peach: Comforting
  • Pink: Accepting and compassionate
  • Purple: At peace and wise
  • Red: Angry and passionate
  • Silver: A messenger
  • Violet: A guide for spiritual matters
  • White: Protective
  • Yellow: Cautionary

“False” orbs usually appear, gaseous with spokes appearance. The theory is orbs are “balls of energy.” Therefore, “true” orbs have a more solid center and emit their own light.


Available on Wednesdays 

longhairghosthunter IG

afterlifeallstars IG

Learn From Them:

As an investigator, you may hear people ask you questions, that point towards have you gathered any answers to wants awaits us after death. Often, is the same conversation, you hear their reluctance to ever adventure out onto a ghost hunt.

As a group, a community of investigators, we can ask those questions. The public in part is your client. If we can ask the questions and shed some light, it could only help the field. A few tips during EVP sessions.

  1. Always show respect
  2. Leave room between questions for a response
  3. If you receive an audible response, build on that conversation

The following are some questions I ask during our investigations. If you would like to add some questions, please reach out to me.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Are you able to come and go?
  3. Do you think you are on the same plane or a different plane than us?
  4. Was there a light or a tunnel?
  5. Are you stuck in this space? Why?
  6. Is somebody or a purpose holding you here?
  7. Are you here to watch over someone?
  8. How do you see us?
  9. How do you hear us?
  10. How do you think we would see you, if possible?
  11. Were you greeted by someone (family, friends or pets)?
  12. Are you able to greet others as they arrive?
  13. What is it like where you were/are?
  14. Is it peaceful, is there a feeling of ease?
  15. It is what you expected?


  1. Did your parents/family greet you?
  2. Did they look aged or as you remember them?
  3. Are you able to greet them when they arrive?